I love leather computer bags. Leather is so cool, it smells good, looks great, wears well, oh, did I say I love leather? If leather is not for you, stop reading this. There are many reasons to choose a leather bag. They are stylish and look good. I am talking about real leather of course. Don’t go skimpy on me and buy plastic disguising as leather. Yikes, that’s just in bad taste. Your computer deserves to be well pampered. Yes, they are as temperamental as a small dog so treat them well. Make sure your laptop is happy in its new home by selecting the right home for it. You should allow adequate room to breathe, but at the same time, there should be a method to securely fasten the computer so it does not move around the bag during transit. You wouldn’t want your baby to get a scratch, would you? Of course not, so make sure there is adequate fastening and padding as some of these leather computer bags are great on style and zero on function.
Speaking of function, you do know that the bag is supposed to hold and protect the laptop, right? Yes, leather is beautiful, but if the bag is for your computer, it should have some necessary features or don’t bother no matter how nice the bag. First thing’s first and the inner compartment for the notebook should have padding on all sides to absorb impacts from accidental bumps and falls. The inner compartment of any bag made for a portable computer should be stiff to protect the screen from an accidental kick or bump.
Your bag should also fit all your other stuff. The computer charger or power supply should always go with you. If you don’t need anything else, then you’re good to go. Don’t assume that you have enough battery power to last you until you get home because trust me on this, you won’t. Nothing is a bigger downer than having inspiration strike and having a dead battery. I told you so, so be smart and take the power supply with you. Leather computer bags should be stylish but they should always be functional and do the job you bought them for.